Thursday, December 19, 2019


CHIEF GUEST : Fr Thomas Kayyalackal


Friday, October 18, 2019


                                       The Sower-  Victor Marie Hugo


The poem 'THE SOWER' is written by the famous French writer, Victor Hugo. He is well known for his poetry, drawing, novels and also famous journalist. He is famous among the Romanic writers. Notable works of Victor Hugo are; Cromwell (1827), Herani (1830), The Hunch Back of Notre-Dame(1831), Ruy Blas, Les Miserables (1862), Toilers of the Sea(1827), He was one of the Rationalist writer among the Russian writers. He was a passionate supporter of republicanism. He was honored in many ways, including his portrait being placed in French currency. He was buried in Pantheon in Paris.

Romantic features was one of the major factors which made Victor Hugo famous among his contemporaries. He proposed to deal with materials from common life in a selection of language used by the men. The poem titled The Sower is one among such works. According to the poet and the translator of the poem (Toru Dutt) poetry is not primarily a mirror of men in action, it is the poets own feelings while processing the composition. Poems come out of the real life situations that touched the poet’s heart. The remarkable use of landscapes, together with flora and fauna become the major theme of romantic poets  The Farming and the life of a farmer is the major theme of the poem and the poet describes his feelings for the farmer along with the detailed description about the nature around the farmer. The poet goes directly into the description from the very first line itself.

    First Stanza

“Sitting in a porchway……………………………working hours are well night past.”

The poet is sitting leisurely in a porchway enjoying the sunset and reddish sky. Poet describes the twilight sky. ‘The twilight hastens on to rule’ the line suggest the over power of the twilight sky over the day time because it is a time between the day and soon it will become the night sky. ‘Working hours are well night past’ this line suggest the time of work in the fields are over and the farmers and other workers can’t be seen anywhere. Soon it is going to be night and dark all around.

 Second Stanza:

“Shadow shoots…………………………………………………….. I feel a thrill”

The twilight sky beautifies the place. An over shadows and dark images are spreading all around the nature. All of a sudden the attention of the poet is struck on a farmer who is standing alone in the fields. From this stanza onwards the major attention is taken over by the farmer who is standing alone in the fields. ‘Old in rags, he patient stands’ this line says about the old sower and his cloths, how tattered and muddy, but the poet is so much thrilled to see his calm and peaceful in the field.


 Third Stanza:

“Black and high……………………………………………….a time to reap

Since it is a twilight time everything appears to be blackish and reddish in colour. ‘Silhouette’ the term used by Victor Hugo in the poem which is a word of French origin, an illustrated outline filled with solid colour usually black. The black shadows of the sower is dominating the deep furrows in the fields. Since the sun is setting the silhouette gradually becomes bigger and bigger thus even the deep furrows seems to be small in front of the sower. Here the human aspects is shown powerful and dominating over the nature. In the next line of the poem Victor Hugo describes about the mindset of the sower in detail ‘now to sow……………..a time to reap’ the farmer is hoping for a good harvest that will have to do in future because today he will sow some seeds, later it will be watered, the seeds will grow and soon the grains will appear and all his wishes will be fulfilled. Just like hard work ultimately results in a fruitful joy the farmer also dreams about the time of the harvest.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fourth Stanza:

“Marches he along the plain…………………………to see him stride”

The stanza deals with the movement of the farmer and about his actions in the field. The poet describes the farmer as marching rather than just saying walking this might be because of his strong determination and positive attitude towards a better future. The farmer was all alone in the field because he was the only person so fond of farming. Just like us when we face our problems in life individually with courage he also stands alone in the field. The farmer moves forward and backward scattering the precious grains which are both a symbol of prosperity and wealth of future. The grain is called ‘precious grains’ because each and every grain is important in the life of a farmer, he collects each one of them carefully so that he could have a harvest of better crops from his fields. The poet becomes dodgy and gloomy to see the sowers painful efforts.



  Fifth Stanza:

“Darkness deepens………………………………………..touch the starry skies”

The last stanza concludes with the description of the night sky. The twilight sky gradually turns to night sky. The light are all out and everywhere the darkness appears. Now the sower is invisible to the poet even then the poet speaks about the gestures of the sower which will be continuing in the field because he may not go back to his house. Now the poet feels the majestic and awe-inspiring image of the sower. The gradual and progressive growth of the shadow of the sower now reached the top of the sky and the world appears to be the reflection of his shadow. The starry skies are nothing but the reflection of the seeds thrown out from the hand of the sower.



·       Rhyming Scheme: Rhyming words are standard rhymes consist of the repetition, in the rhythm words of the last stressed vowel and of all the speech sounds of the following vowel.

·       Rhymes in the poem are; cool-rule, fast-past, lands-stands, still-thrill, silhouette-set, deep-reap, plain- grain, wide- stride, light- height, eyes- skies.

·       Word pictures in the poem


The poem titled ‘The Sower’ written by Victor Hugo is a magnificent poem dealing with both nature and humanistic features. The words are carefully selected and have detailed description of each and every events happened in front of the poet. The poem was translated by the famous writer from India, Toru Dutt. She is well known Indian writer, this poem was translated by her. This translation is considered as most appreciated among all the other translations of the poem.



1)      “But one sower linger still” why does the sower linger?

2)      Why does the speaker feel thrilled on seeing the sower?

3)      Why does the poet say “precious grains” rather than just grains?

4)      Why the poet does becomes moody in the fourth stanza?

5)      Bring of some comparisons between the poet and the sower?



1)      Collect other poems of Victor Hugo and write appreciation?

2)      Collect some farming songs similar in theme from Malayalam or English language?

3)      Make comparison of the poet and the sower?

4)      List out the words showing emotions in the poem?






ROLL . NO : 3






Name of the student     : Aparna I Joy

Skill focused                    : Set Induction

Subject                             : English

Unit                                  : 3, Seeds and Deeds

Topic                                : The Sower ( first paragraph)

Strength: 35

Duration: 45 min


Learning objectives

To develop the skill of set induction by focusing on the following component skills

·       Use of previous knowledge or experience

·       Link with the topic and topic declaration

·       Arousing curiosity  and motivation

·       Communication, verbal and non-verbal

·       Use of appropriate device

·       Confidence level

·       Preliminary attention gaining

·       Relevance and continuity

·       Learner involvement

·       Pleasing/ approachable



Informal Interaction

Teacher enters the classroom and greets the students. Then makes an informal interaction in order to create a good rapport in the classroom.

Entry activity

Teacher first shows a picture and ask the students to comment on it. Shows the picture of ant. And receive the feedback from the students.

Teacher slowly generates discussion about agriculture and ask few questions

·       What does a farmer do?

·       How important is the job of a farmer?

·       Does a farmer enjoy a respectable position in the society?

·       What is the attitude of the society towards farmers?

·       What type of  life farmer lead?


-Teacher shares  her experience and views like:

·       India is an agrarian country

·       Agriculture is the part and life of our country

·       Farmers are our primary providers


·       Teacher shows a chart and give bits of paper to the students and asked the students to write the benefits and problems faced by agriculture.

·       Teacher again shows a picture of Millet's  1850 painting The Sower and describe the significance of the picture.

·       The poem is the reflection of that picture

·       Then the teacher directly introduces the chapter the name of the poem and author

Use of appropriate devices

·       Charts

·       Pictures

·       Activity box


Teacher asks several questions from the paragraph discussed to ensure that the learners have clearly understood the poem.


Teacher advices learners to make a thorough reading of the poem and to  clarify their doubts if they have any.





ROLL . NO : 3


Thursday, September 26, 2019




“Talent is a dreadfully cheap commodity, cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work”.

-Stephen King

The merit cum talent day programme of Govt. College of teacher Education, Thycaud was held on 26.09.2019(Monday) from 10.00 AM onwards. As the name suggests it was a combination of two programmes- the Merit Day and the Talent Day. The comparers of the programme were Anjana S and Aparna I Joy (I B.Ed). The name of the programme was തളിരും താരകങ്ങളും. The programme started with a prayer by Sathya and Vidhya (I B.Ed). The welcome speech was done by Dr. J Lidson Raj, Asst. Professor, GCTE, Thycaud. He welcomed the august gathering. He also talked in brief about the importance and relevance of conducting such programmes in educational institutions as they helps in bringing out the talents of the students. Dr. B Suresh, the Principal of GCTE, Thycaud was the chairman of the function. He talked about the importance of nurturing talents in students and the role of teachers in promoting the same. Being student teachers one needs to know the nuances that happens behind every function. First-hand information regarding that can only be earned by participating in such events.

The main attraction of the function was the presence of the versatile persona Dr. K K Suma, the Director, Department of Collegiate Education, Kerala University. The function was officially inaugurated by lighting the lamp. She delivered a wonderful and memorable speech. She talked about her studies, personal life and her career. It was a motivational one. She shared with the audience all the sweet and bitter experiences she faced in her life that has made her into a successful person now. Her talk touched the hearts of many. She congratulated all the winners of the merit day.

“It is the things that we work hardest for that will reward us the most”.

A student should be appreciated for his or her merits. It would help them to improve their performance. One of the main agenda of the Merit cum Talent Day programme was to acknowledge the achievements of the brilliant students who have made both the college and their parents proud through their academic excellence. Those excellent students exhibits such qualities that will not only help them in achieving their goals but also bring glory of success to our college. Our college has a great history regarding excellent academics. Every year we get so many prices both in academic and cultural fields that shows the academic and cultural intelligence of the students. They were appreciated during the event.

Our institution has always provided the students with a healthy and fairly competitive environment to help them grow in every sphere of activity, be it academics, other extra- curricular roles etc. The students are given equal opportunities so that they realise their true potential and get ready to face the outer world once they complete their academic life and move on to their respective areas of interest. Trophies which were sponsored by former teachers and students of this college were awarded in the function. Their memories, hopes and aspirations lives through the trophies which were handed over to the winners. They are not just for recognising those students who have performed exceptionally well in their academics but also in other fields too. It was a memorable moment for the prize winners and the visitors alike and it motivates them to shine in the near future.

After the prize distribution it was time for the felicitations. Felicitation was done by Dr. A V Sujith, Asst. Professor, GCTE, Thycaud who motivated the students to perform well. He shared his valuable experiences in being a student and a teacher and the importance of getting the correct kind of motivation. Dr. Jolly S, Asst. Professor, GCTE, Thycaud and convener of the event talked about the importance of cultural activities in shaping a student's character. Nisha C S. the chairperson of the institution felicitated the gathering and congratulated the winners and gave her best wishes for the programs to be conducted. Abjini Merin Roy, representative of the students also congratulated and wished the winners all the best.

 The last event was the vote of thanks by V K Santosh Kumar. He advised the students to be thankful for whatever we receive in our life. He also addressed those students who have not got any price and advised them not to lose hope as this is not the end of everything and there will be many more opportunities coming their way to prove their mettle.

To those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States”.

-George W. Bush

As the name indicates the Talent day programme was rich in talents- all the sprouts that is the first year B.Ed and M.Ed students wholeheartedly took the courage to showcase their innate talents. The anchors of the programme were Anjana S and Aparna I Joy of I B.Ed English. The Talent day programs started at 12:20 p.m. with a fusion dance of I M.Ed students. The Government College of Teacher Education witnessed a wide variety of talents performed on stage by future teachers. The song of Srinath sir, Asst. Professor, GCTE, Thycaud added more beauty to the event. The Talent day ended at 4:00 PM with the comments of Jolly teacher, Asst. Professor, GCTE. She made a review on the talent day programs that all the students were superb and did their job well.

“Talent can’t be taught, but it can be awakened”.

-Wallace Stegner

Monday, September 2, 2019



                     Translating from one language to another is indeed a herculean task. For a translation to be effective a translator needs to possess a deeper understanding of the structure of a language, its grammar and the cultural aspects the language entails. Translation is not a matter of words only, it's a matter of making intelligible a whole culture. It is often said that the magic gets lost in translation. It is the primary purpose of a translator to try the best not to lose the magic when a work is translated from one language to another. The most common hindrances that a translator face are the ones related to the language structure, problems encountered while translating idiomatic expressions, the complexity while translating compound words, the difficulty in giving a proper translation to words with multiple meanings, the problems faced while trying to translate sarcasms or jokes and finally the never ending issue of cultural lag. "Translation is like a woman, if it's beautiful it is not faithful. If it is faithful it's most certainly not beautiful" (Yevgeny Yevtushenko), A successful translator attempts to preserve the beauty of the translated work by remaining faithful to the original text and the author. One of the key challenges of translating a literary work, from the source language to the target language is the vital need of the translator to strike a balance between the both by staying faithful to the original work and the same time nurtures the creative urge of inventing something unique and distinctive that will evoke the same feelings and responses as the original text.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


The college union conducted Independence day celebrations. All the students in our college along with teachers came up with talks and events that spread the message of Independence day.